Return/Refund Policy


You may return most new, unopened items for a refund or exchange within 15 days of delivery. If you decide you no longer want the items after delivery, you, the buyer, will be responsible for return shipping and a 20% restocking fee. If it is a result of our error, you will be provided a return shipping label to return the item(s) back to us. After receiving the item(s), we will process your refund/exchange. Please allow 1-2 weeks for this request. If we are exchanging an item for you, we will send you an invoice for the shipping cost of the item we are shipping back to you. The invoice does need to be paid before the item(s) will be shipped.
If you decide after 15 days you no longer want the item(s) and they are in new, unopened condition, you may return them for store credit minus the 20% restocking fee. You will not receive the store credit until the item is received and we process the return. It may take up to 2 weeks until we receive the item back and process the request.
Our goal is to make our customers and their horses happy, so we will do our absolute best to accommodate and work with you. Email to submit a request.
PLEASE NOTE: The only USED items we will take back are Benefab products. Each Benefab product has a 30 day free refund/exchange policy and comes with an 18 month warranty. For any warranty inquiries or to request a return or exchange, please email


Legacy Ranch Performance Horse Supply is a small business and we value each order that is placed with us as you are helping a dream come to life. We do our best to ship orders as fast as possible. The majority of items we keep in stock and they will ship immediately. Please allow 2 business days to fulfill your order, although most orders will ship the same or next day. We ship 6 days a week via USPS and UPS. Shipping is calculated at checkout based on delivery location, size, and weight.
We currently offer shipping to all 50 states and Canada. Most orders will ship USPS, and the estimated delivery time is quoted at checkout.  If you order items that are currently out of stock in our supply room, please allow an additional 1-2 weeks for delivery. Normally, we will drop ship your items directly to you and it does not take nearly that long. We work very hard at getting all of your orders out in a timely matter.
You will receive a shipping confirmation email as soon as your order is fulfilled and shipped.


All LRPHS custom made tack is eligible for lifetime warranty. We are committed to providing our customers with safe, affordable, and quality items. With that, we do offer to fix most issues that you might have with our custom made products, unless they have been abused or neglected. We only use quality products so everything is top-notch and safe. If an issue occurs that is a result of our error, we will fix or replace it free of charge. An example of something we don’t cover is if you tie your horse to your trailer by the reins, he/she pulls back, and breaks them, that will not be covered. However, we will be willing to fix it for a fee, if it is fixable. Please email for help.